
Friday, April 26, 2013

Road Trip Ruminations

Road trips.  An opportunity to expand your horizons.  To be bold and adventurous and see what you can discover.

It all started with this musical being on the Bucket List for Teenaged Daughter and me.  Last chance to see it was in NYC last fall, and we decided on Mamma Mia instead.  So fun!  Then earlier this year, some internet browsing revealed that the Broadway tour of Wicked was coming to Rochester around the time we both have our birthdays.  Rochester…who knew?  Let’s get tickets and figure out the details later.  That’s how it works around here.  Road trip, here we come!
Along came the big weekend, and we had this poignant moment at the border.
Tragic events in Boston during the week made this border crossing a long and sombre one.
Once we were across and Teenaged Daughter had navigated us through a pit stop and into the right direction she quickly got bored and took hold of the camera.  Along with some crazy Selfies, she took this fantastic shot.
Ah, the open road.  Discovery and inspiration await us, and there is a feeling of solidarity as we navigate it together.
First stop, Wicked.  Fantastic.  If you haven’t yet seen it you must make an effort.  If you have, what was your favourite thing about it?  The costumes from the Emerald City were spectacular.  Check out some of the hats and gowns.
The story is a great exploration of finding your own path in life, and a tribute to real friendships.  Best line from a song…Because I knew you I’ve been changed For Good.  True words.
The next day, a walk around the neighbourhood of the theatre and our hotel was like this.
I wonder how my life would be more creative if I lived in a blue house?
And many more opportunities to take pretty pictures…can’t go wrong with an old tree, weathered fence and wildflowers.
A happy discovery…Rochester is home to the Eastman House!  George Eastman was the founder of Kodak and modern photography, and generous patron to the arts and sciences.  We made a visit to his historical home.
Now this is a civilized way to start and end your day.  So exquisite and beautiful.
Can you imagine having a conservatory like this in which to soak in the light…the space…the view…the elephant head?
And check out this library.  Music, writing, books, art, light, fireplace…all my favourite things.  I could live in a room like this.  Couldn’t you?
Ah yes, a good road trip.  We’ve expanded our horizons and deepened our relationship.  Happy Birthday, Teenaged Daughter.  What’s next on the Bucket List?
I leave the rest of you with some decorating inspiration.
Be bold.  Expand your horizons.