
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Daytrips and a New Camera


Hello, and hoping that all is well with you.  Here, we are winding down a weekend of good times, good food, gardening, with a little bit of the daily grind thrown in between.  As I have been sitting here editing and cataloguing photos from May…what??? it’s over already???…I thought I would share a few them here.  Because guess what.  I have a new cameraaaaaaah!  Yes, I am saying that in a very sing-song-y voice.  As I progress through my photography courses it was time to either upgrade or drop out.  Upgrade it was.


And with that new camera I have twice had the opportunity to sit in the passenger seat and take photos out the window as my driver heads out of Suburbia for a daytrip.  Bliss.  And this is what you see in our part of the world after driving out for not too long.  Lovely of that cute little red tractor to drive by to make for an interesting photo, don’t you think?


Feeling quite theatrical and literary driving through here. Smile


And on this day we were actually coming to see live theatre in the gorgeous little town of Stratford.  Also filled with lots of cute shops and restaurants.




On this day we were buying organic poultry from a family business on this beautiful property.  And on the drive home, we were treated to an impromptu show by the Snowbirds.  What?  Yes, actually!  Here we are stopped at a green light watching them.


Never know what you’ll see when you head out on a daytrip.