Well, when you have kids that are school-aged the beginning and end of the school year mark a definite shift in lifestyle, don’t you agree? In our house we are one exam away from the end and according to Personally Teen “it’s only Music” (Dear Piano Teacher…please don’t be horrified when you read that) so in our minds it’s all done for this year.
Chalkboard Handle Cutting Board
Friday, June 20, 2014 by
Andrea Hunter

Hey everybody…and it’s Friday again! The rest of the blog has been on a bit of a back burner due to photography season heating up. But Photo Finish will be here rain or shine, I promise.
Friday, June 13, 2014 by
Andrea Hunter

It’s Photo Finish today, and that means it’s Friday! Yay! And it’s the month of June which means the beginning of the popular wedding season, here in Canada at least.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014 by
Andrea Hunter

Hey there bloggy friends. A bit of summertime gorgeousness coming your way today. Gorgeousness in the way of a couple of locations and a collection of bouquets used for wedding photography.
Hey there bloggy friends. A bit of summertime gorgeousness coming your way today. Gorgeousness in the way of a couple of locations and a collection of bouquets used for wedding photography.
Did you miss any of these...
Friday, June 6, 2014 by
Andrea Hunter

Happy Friday bloggy friends!
Guess what…I didn’t take this picture. I’m letting Mr. P. show off his photography skills on today’s Photo Finish with a shot he took with his camera phone in New Orleans a week ago.
Did you miss any of these...
Tuesday, June 3, 2014 by
Andrea Hunter

Yummmmm. Don’t you wish your screen was scratch ‘n sniff? But guess what? You could make these for real, in your own kitchen, by yourself. It’s super easy, especially if you pull out your….breadmaker. Who has one? Raise your hand. Is it buried in your basement? Lurking in the back of a corner cupboard?
Yummmmm. Don’t you wish your screen was scratch ‘n sniff? But guess what? You could make these for real, in your own kitchen, by yourself. It’s super easy, especially if you pull out your….breadmaker. Who has one? Raise your hand. Is it buried in your basement? Lurking in the back of a corner cupboard?
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