It's two months later. After Blogpodium 2014, I mean. The first time I'd been to this conference, or any blogging conference, actually. It was a huge inspiration. And amazing and overwhelming. And an inspiration.
Here are a few thoughts on how a brand-less, introverted, pen-and-paper-loving technophobe learned some new things, was inspired, and took action. So that you can do it too.
This was me the following morning, wide awake after a sleepless night of making lists and plans in my head, and a ton of motivation to get it all done.
But two months later, it seems like it's time to evaluate what I really took away from the experience. So here's the top three ways I was inspired and took action after Blogpodium 2014.
1. Blog Mantra and Brandscript
This is a topic that was addressed about a hundred times and eight different ways. Be unique. Know your own voice. Be yourself. Strive for consistency. Do what you do well. Brand yourself. Write about what you know... is that eight yet? I think we all got the message. I know I did. In Funky Junk Donna's excellent keynote address, she encouraged us to have a Blog Mantra. At Lisa Canning's very inspiring round table she called it a Personal Brandscript. Well, I listened. I brainstormed, made lists, researched, and scribbled into notebooks and on the back of grocery lists. And after all that, here's what I came up with:
See the necessary things as beautiful and the beautiful things as necessary. I've been test-driving it for a little while to make sure it works for me, and it does. I feel more focused and sure of my blog content, and planning ahead has become a whole lot easier.
If any of you has a mantra you'd be willing to share, I'd love to hear it in the comments below!
2. Out From Behind the Blog
So I joked about this a bit at the time, but seriously the blogging world can seem like a great big Internet dating site. You write stuff and hope that people will like it and talk to you. You look around at what everyone else is doing and try to find people that you like too. And then this conference comes along where you have to meet the virtual people In Real Life. It was a bit lot intimidating, but I shouldn't have been surprised to find out that everyone I met that day was awesome and beautiful. Words will never express the incredible value of meeting people face to face. This, from a bonafide introvert.
And...since Blogpodium I've signed on to do two media events and a blog-related photography gig. Big change for me.
This was one of the events, Toronto's Delicious Food Show.
3. Blog Organization & Efficiency
A third action I was inspired to take is also thanks to Lisa Canning and her round table on Strategies for Efficiency. On her advice I've added to my usual creative and fiction reading stack with this book. Essentialism by Greg McKeown. If you're anything like my distracted procrastinating works well under pressure self, then this book will kick you out of your comfort zone pretty quickly.
Even if you've heard some of his strategy before, this is the kind of motivation to get anyone back on track who's feeling overwhelmed or unfocused.
Also based on that round table I subscribed to Michael Hyatt's blog. It's a crazy wealth of more information than my brain can hold, and there's something in there for everyone. He got me on to using Evernote for my blog (and other areas of my life) planning and organizing. Although I love pretty pens, paper and journals... well, this a game changer in terms of efficiency. Check out his free e-book to find his resources for every online task imaginable.
From that e-book I discovered Blogsy for be able to work on posts while on the go. This is my first post using Blogsy exclusively. It's not perfect yet, but it's proof that it can work. Even for a technophobe like me.
Well this is all behind the scenes for you, but hopefully you're inspired to break out of your comfort zone a bit, learn and try something new. If I can do it you can too. Don't forget to sign up over in the sidebar for new posts to come directly into your email. Some Christmas inspiration will be appearing here soon and you don't want to miss it!

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